Manual Testing Course Content

Software Testing Concepts:

Software Testing Introduction
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Software Development models
Static Testing, Reviews & Walkthroughs
White Box Testing
Unit Testing & Integration Testing
Black Box Testing
System Testing
User Acceptance Testing
Alpha Testing & Beta Testing
Functional Testing Types
Smoke Testing / Sanity Testing
Formal Testing
Ad-hoc Testing
Regression Testing
System Integration Testing
End-to-End Testing
Exploratory Testing
Monkey Testing
Non-Functional Testing Types
UI Testing
Usability Testing
Security Testing
Compatibility Testing
Load Testing
Performance Testing
Globalization Testing
Localization Testing
Recovery Testing

Manual Testing Concepts

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)
What is STLC?
 STLC Phases
Test Plan
 Test Analysis
 Analyzing Functional Req. SRS/FRS
Test Design
Preparing Test Scenarios
 Preparing Test Cases
 Preparing Test Data
 Test Case Execution
 Defect Reporting
 Defect Severity & Defect Priority
 Defect / Bug Life Cycle
 Defect Management
 Test Closure

Automation Course Content

Basics Selenium

Keyboard & Mouse Events Automation

Action Class
Keyboard Events
Drag & Drop Actions
Mouse Hover Action
Send Keys using Action Class
Right Click, Double Click & Tool Tip

Browser’s Alert handeling

Get the text from alert box
Send the text on alert box
Accept the alert box
Cancel the alert box

Multiple Window/Tab handeling

Multiple Window Handeling
Switching in Windows/Tab
Reading Window/Tab ID
Handel elements Present in Window/Tab

 Handeling Synchronization

Implicit Wait
Explicit Wait
Page Load Timeout
Static Wait
WebDriver Wait
Fluent Wait

Advances Selenium

TestNG Framework

Advantages of TestNG over JUnit
Why do we need TestNG in Selenium?
Installing TestNG in Eclipse
Creating a New TestNG Test File
TestNG annotations
TestNG assertions
Running the TestNG Test
Checking reports created by TestNG
Creating multiple Tests
Prioritizing Tests
Parameterize Tests with @dataProvider
TestNG Data Provider with Excel
Create & Run Test Suites with TestNG
Sequential Test Execution with TestNG
Parallel Test Execution with TestNG

 Data Driven Framework

Creating/Opening Excel Files
Reading data from Excel Sheet
Writing data into Excel Sheet
Counting Rows and Columns
Creating Excel Utility Class.
Configure Apache POI jar files
Configure Excel & TestNG in Eclipse
Preparing Test Data.
Preparing Data using Data Provider
Executing Data Driven Tests
Analyzing Test Results

Real Time Project

 Page Object Model

Creating Test Base class
Creating Page Classes
Defining Elements in Page Class
Defining Functions
Creating Test Case Classes
Executing POM Test Cases

Selenium Grid

What is Selenium Grid?
When to Use Selenium Grid?
What is a Hub and Node?
How to Install and Use Grid
Designing Test That Can Run on the Grid
Using the Desired Capabilities Object
Using the Remote WebDriver Object
Running a Sample Test Case on the Grid
Sequential and Parallel Test Execution
Running Tests on different Browser

Maven Project & Build

What is Maven and Why Maven?
Installing/Configuring Maven
Creating Maven Project
Importing Maven Project into Eclipse
What is POM.xml?
Adding Dependencies to POM.xml

API Course Content

API Testing

What is an API?
 What is API Testing?
 URI and URL
 What are the API Testing Tools
What are the Manual API Testing Tools
What are the Automation API Testing Tools
API HTTP Methods
API HTTP Status Codes
API Supported Data Formate


Introduction to POSTMAN tool
Creating requests in Postman
 Creating collections in Postman
 Postman Variables & environments
Authentication in POSTMAN
 Authorization in POSTMAN
 Tests scripts in POSTMAN
 Approach of API Testing
 Challenges of API Testing
 What to test for in API testing
➦ HTTP methods
 Status codes
 Example APIs


What is Swagger ?

What is Swagger for API Testing?

What is Swagger Editor?

What is Swagger Codegen?

What is Swagger UI?

What is SwaggerHu?

Sikuli Course Content

What is Sikuli ?
Selenium vs Sikuli
How to install Sikuli in Java Project ?
How to install Sikuli in Maven Project ?
How to use Sikuli with Selenium Webdriver
Screen class in Sikuli

Pattern class in Sikuli
Sikuli Methods
Sikuli Desktop Automation Project
Sikuli Desktop with Web Automation Project
Selenium with Sikuli Program

GitHub Course Content

What is GitHub ?
Difference between Git vs GitHub vs GitLab
GitHub Installation
Creating GitHub Repositories
How to Clone Git Project
How to Import Git Project
How to Export Git Project

What is Desktop GitHub
Desktop GitHub Installation
How to code push/pull from eclipse to GitHub
What is GitBash
GitHub Commands

Maven Course Content

What is Maven ?
Maven – Repositories
How to Install Maven
Creating a Maven project
Maven Dependency
Maven Dependency with Selenium?

Key Advantages of Maven
Maven Lifecycle in Selenium
How to configure the TestNG XML in pom.xml
How to Run the Maven Project?
Maven Automation Framework for Real Time Project

Log4j Course Content

Log4j Tutorial
Log4j Installation
Log4j Architecture
Log4j Example
Log4j Maven
Log4j Properties
Log4j XML

Log4j Logging Levels
Log4j Logging Methods
Log4j HTMLLayout
Log4j Log Formatting
Log4j Logging in Files
Log4j PatternLayout
Log4j Appenders
Log4j vs SLF4J

Jenkins Course Content

What is Jenkins
What is Jenkins in Selenium?
Integrating Jenkins with Selenium
Configuring Jenkins for a Java & Maven Project
Install Jenkins Plugins
Create a batch file and use it in Jenkins
Run Selenium script through command line
Running Selenium Tests with Jenkins
Create and Scheduling Jenkins job (Build Triggers)
How to add email setup and notifications
Creating a Jenkins Pipeline Project
Configuring the Pipeline Script
Customizing the Pipeline Script

Implementation Steps
Create a new pipeline project
Scroll down to Pipeline
Create Jenkinsfile
Specify branches to build a section under Repositories
Execute the tests
Pipeline Steps
View the Report
How to get the pipeline syntax?

Jira Course Content

What is Jira
Jira Installation
Jira – Free Trials Setup
Jira Agile
Jira Scrum
Jira Working of Sprint
Jira Kanban Methodology
Jira Kanban vs Scrum
Jira Issues
Jira Workflow
Jira Login
Jira Dashboard
Jira Issue Types
Jira Issue Creation
Jira Convert Issue To Subtask
Jira Convert Subtask to Issue
Jira Backlog
Jira Scrum Board

Jira Create Sprint
Jira Board
Jira Bug Life Cycle
Jira Epic
Jira Versions
Jira Reports
Jira Edit an Issue
Jira Email an Issue
Jira Label an Issue
Jira Linking Issues
Jira Move an Issue
Jira View/Change History
Jira Watch and Vote on Issue
Jira Search
Jira Advanced Search
Jira Reports
Jira Workload Pie Chart
Jira Created vs Resolved Issues
Jira Burndown Chart

Agile Methodology Course Content

Acceptance Test
Agile development
Agile Manifesto
Agile Principle
Burndown Chart
Burnup Chart
Continuous Delivery
Continuous Integration (CI)
Daily Scrum
Gantt Chart
Kanban board
Knowledge Sharing
Product backlog

Product manager
Product owner
Quality Assurance (QA)
Release plan
Scaled Agile Framework
Scrum board
Scrum master
Scrum meeting
Scrum of Scrums
Scrum team
Sprint backlog
Sprint goal
Sprint planning
Sprint retrospective
Sprint review

Story points
Task board
User story
Work item

Java Course Content

Java Programming

Why Java for Selenium
➦ Installing Java
➦ Installing Eclipse
➦ Creating Java Project
➦ First Java program
➦ Concept of class file
➦ Datatypes in Java
➦ String class and functions
➦ Conditional Statements
➦ Loops
➦ Arrays
➦ Operators
➦ What are Functions?
➦ Function Input Parameters
➦ Function Return Types


Local and Global Variables
Static and Non-Static Variables
Static and Non-Static Functions
Creating Objects in Java
Meaning of static
Why main method static?
Overloading and Overriding Functions
Access Modifiers
Usage of Objects in Selenium
Usage of Inheritance in Selenium
Creating Packages
Accessing Classes across Packages


Exception handing- try catch block
Importance of exception handling
Exception and Error
Throwable Class
Final and Finally
Throw and Throws
Different Types of Exceptions
Exception handling in Automation