Selenium Java Training Syllabus
Basics Selenium
Keyboard & Mouse Events Automation
- Action Class
- Keyboard Events
- Drag & Drop Actions
- Mouse Hover Action
- Send Keys using Action Class
- Right Click, Double Click & Tool Tip
Browser’s Alert Handling
- Get the text from alert box
- Send the text on alert box
- Accept the alert box
- Cancel the alert box
Multiple Window/Tab Handling
- Multiple Window Handling
- Switching in Windows/Tab
- Reading Window/Tab ID
- Handle elements present in Window/Tab
Handling Synchronization
- Implicit Wait
- Explicit Wait
- Page Load Timeout
- Static Wait
- WebDriver Wait
- Fluent Wait
Advances Selenium
TestNG Framework
- Advantages of TestNG over JUnit
- Why do we need TestNG in Selenium?
- Installing TestNG in Eclipse
- Creating a New TestNG Test File
- TestNG annotations
- TestNG assertions
- Running the TestNG Test
- Checking reports created by TestNG
- Creating multiple Tests
- Prioritizing Tests
- Parameterized Tests with @dataProvider
- TestNG Data Provider with Excel
- Create & Run Test Suites with TestNG
- Sequential Test Execution with TestNG
- Parallel Test Execution with TestNG
Data Driven Framework
- Creating/Opening Excel Files
- Reading data from Excel Sheet
- Writing data into Excel Sheet
- Counting Rows and Columns
- Creating Excel Utility Class
- Configure Apache POI jar files
- Configure Excel & TestNG in Eclipse
- Preparing Test Data
- Preparing Data using Data Provider
- Executing Data Driven Tests
- Analyzing Test Results
Real Time Project
Page Object Model
- Creating Test Base class
- Creating Page Classes
- Defining Elements in Page Class
- Defining Functions
- Creating Test Case Classes
- Executing POM Test Cases
Selenium Grid
- What is Selenium Grid?
- When to Use Selenium Grid?
- What is a Hub and Node?
- How to Install and Use Grid
- Designing Test That Can Run on the Grid
- Using the Desired Capabilities Object
- Using the Remote WebDriver Object
- Running a Sample Test Case on the Grid
- Sequential and Parallel Test Execution
- Running Tests on different Browser
Maven Project & Build
- What is Maven and Why Maven?
- Installing/Configuring Maven
- Creating Maven Project
- Importing Maven Project into Eclipse
- What is POM.xml?
- Adding Dependencies to POM.xml
API Course Content
API Testing
- What is an API?
- What is API Testing?
- URI and URL
- What are the API Testing Tools
- What are the Manual API Testing Tools
- What are the Automation API Testing Tools
- API HTTP Methods
- API HTTP Status Codes
- API Supported Data Formate
- Introduction to POSTMAN tool
- Creating requests in Postman
- Creating collections in Postman
- Postman Variables & environments
- Authentication in POSTMAN
- Authorization in POSTMAN
- Tests scripts in POSTMAN
- Approach of API Testing
- Challenges of API Testing
- What to test for in API testing
- HTTP methods
- Status codes
- Example
- What is Swagger ?
- What is Swagger for API Testing?
- What is Swagger Editor?
- What is Swagger Codegen?
- What is Swagger UI?
- What is SwaggerHu?
Agile Methodology Course Content
- Agile
- Acceptance Test
- Agile development
- Agile Manifesto
- Agile Principle Backlog
- Burndown Chart
- Burnup Chart
- Continuous Delivery
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Daily Scrum
- Epics
- Gantt Chart
- vIteration
- vKanban
- Kanban board
- Knowledge Sharing Lean
- Product backlog
- Product manager Product owner
- Quality Assurance (QA)
- Requirements
- Release plan
- Scaled Agile Framework
- Scrum
- Scrumban
- Scrum board
- Scrum master
- Scrum meeting
- Scrum of Scrums
- Scrum team
- Sprints
- Sprint backlog
- Sprint goal
- Sprint planning
- Sprint retrospective
- Sprint review
- Stakeholder
- Stories
- Story points
- Task board
- Timeboxes
- User story
- Velocity
- Work item
- XP
Java Course Content
- Why Java for Selenium
- Installing Java
- Installing Eclipse
- Creating Java Project
- First Java program
- Concept of class file
- Datatypes in Java
- String class and functions
- Conditional Statements
- Loops
- Arrays
- Operators
- What are Functions?
- Function Input Parameters
- Function Return Types
- Local and Global Variables
- Static and Non-Static Variables
- Static and Non-Static Functions
- Creating Objects in Java
- Meaning of static
- Why main method static?
- Overloading and Overriding Functions
- Access Modifiers
- Constructors
- Interface
- Usage of Objects in Selenium
- Inheritance
- Usage of Inheritance in Selenium
- Creating Packages
- Accessing Classes across Packages
- Exception handing- try catch block
- Importance of exception handling
- Exception and Error
- Throwable Class
- Final and Finally
- Throw and Throws
- Different Types of Exceptions
- Exception handling in Automation
Software Testing Concepts:
- Software Testing Introduction
- Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- Software Development models
- Static Testing, Reviews & Walkthroughs
- White Box Testing
- Unit Testing & Integration Testing
- Black Box Testing
- System Testing
- User Acceptance Testing
- Alpha Testing & Beta Testing
- Functional Testing Types
- Smoke Testing / Sanity Testing
- Formal Testing
- Ad-hoc Testing
- Re-Testing
- Regression Testing
- System Integration Testing
- End-to-End Testing
- Exploratory Testing
- Monkey Testing
- Non-Functional Testing Types
- UI Testing
- Usability Testing
- Security Testing
- Compatibility Testing
- Load Testing
- Performance Testing
- Globalization Testing
- Localization Testing
- Recovery Testing
Manual Testing Concepts
- Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)
- What is STLC?
- STLC Phases
- Test Plan
- Test Analysis
- Analyzing Functional Req. SRS/FRS
- Test Design
- Preparing Test Scenarios
- Preparing Test Cases
- Preparing Test Data
- Test Case Execution
- Defect Reporting
- Defect Severity & Defect Priority
- Defect / Bug Life Cycle
- Defect Management
- Test Closure
Sikuli Course Content
- What is GitHub ?
- Difference between Git vs GitHub vs GitLab
- GitHub Installation
- Creating GitHub Repositories
- How to Clone Git Project
- How to Import Git Project
- How to Export Git Project
- What is Desktop GitHub
- Desktop GitHub Installation
- How to code push/pull from eclipse to GitHub
- What is GitBash
- GitBranch
- GitHub Commands
Maven Course Content
- What is Maven ?
- Maven – Repositories
- How to Install Maven
- Creating a Maven project
- Maven Dependency
- Maven Dependency with Selenium?
- Key Advantages of Maven
- Maven Lifecycle in Selenium
- How to configure the TestNG XML in pom.xml
- How to Run the Maven Project?
- Maven Automation Framework for Real Time Project
Log4j Course Content
- Log4j Tutorial
- Log4j Installation
- Log4j Architecture
- Log4j Example
- Log4j Maven
- Log4j Properties
- Log4j XML
- Log4j Logging Levels
- Log4j Logging Methods
- Log4j HTMLLayout
- Log4j Log Formatting
- Log4j Logging in Files
- Log4j PatternLayout
- Log4j Appenders
- Log4j vs SLF4J
Jenkins Course Content
- What is Jenkins
- What is Jenkins in Selenium?
- Integrating Jenkins with Selenium
- Configuring Jenkins for a Java & Maven Project Install Jenkins Plugins
- Create a batch file and use it in Jenkins
- Run Selenium script through command line
- Running Selenium Tests with Jenkins
- Create and Scheduling Jenkins job (Build Triggers)
- How to add email setup and notifications
- Creating a Jenkins Pipeline Project
- Configuring the Pipeline Script
- Customizing the Pipeline Script
- Implementation Steps
- Create a new pipeline project
- Scroll down to Pipeline
- Create Jenkinsfile
- Create Jenkinsfile
- Execute the tests
- Vipeline Steps
- View the Report
- How to get the pipeline syntax?
Jira Course Content
- What is Jira
- Jira Installation
- Jira – Free Trials Setup
- Jira Agile
- Jira Scrum
- Jira Working of Sprint
- Jira Kanban Methodology
- Jira Kanban vs Scrum
- Jira Issues
- Jira Workflow
- Jira Login
- Jira Dashboard
- Jira Issue Types
- Jira Issue Creation
- Jira Convert Issue To Subtask
- Jira Convert Subtask to Issue
- Jira Backlog
- Jira Scrum Board
- Jira Create Sprint
- Jira Board
- Jira Bug Life Cycle
- Jira/Bugzilla/Redmine/MantisBT
- Jira Epic
- Jira Versions
- Jira Reports
- Jira Edit an Issue
- Jira Email an Issue
- Jira Label an Issue
- Jira Linking Issues
- Jira Move an Issue
- Jira View/Change History
- Jira Watch and Vote on Issue
- Jira Search
- Jira Advanced Search
- Jira Reports
- Jira Workload Pie Chart
- Jira Created vs Resolved Issues
- Jira Burndown Chart