1.package nameshould be start with in lowercase letter java, lang, sql, util etc
2.class nameshould start with uppercase letter and be a noun String, System, Firefox, DataInput, Thread 
3.interface nameshould start with uppercase letter and be an adjectiveRunnable, Remote, ActionListener
4.method nameshould be start with in lowercase letter, then from second word onwards, each new word starts with a uppercase letter. method’s name ends with a simple pair braces()print(),readLine(),test(),collegeName()
5.variable nameshould be start with in lowercase letter, then from second word onwards, each new word starts with a uppercase letter. It is same like as for method, but variable names not have any pair braces in after variable name end. print,readLine,test,collegeName
6constants nameshould be written in all uppercase lettersPI, MAX_VALUE,MAX_PRIORITY
7keywordsall keywords should be written in all lowercase lettersclass,public,static,void,do-while,for,break,etc..In the Java programming language, a keyword is one of 50 reserved words.